The Judgment of Eighty-Seven Bishops on the Baptism of Heretics from The Council of Carthage 255-256
Proœmium. — When Stephen, Bishop of Rome, Had by His Letters Condemned the Decrees of the African Council on the Baptism of Heretics,...
The Judgment of Eighty-Seven Bishops on the Baptism of Heretics from The Council of Carthage 255-256
Transhumanism: The End of Evolution, Apotheosis of Carnal Man, and Preparation & Path to Antichrist
True Theology by Photius Kontoglou
Abba Isaac the Much-Wronged Saint
Chalcedon & Lyons: Two Councils, Two Different Visions of the Church
Heresy & Heretics: According to the Holy Apostles in the New Testament
Against Baptism by Pouring: An Epistle of Archbishop Nikephoros of Slovania & Kherson, 1754.
St. Nikodemos, The Rudder and the Reception of Converts into the Orthodox Church
St Hilarion Troitsky: Christianity or the Church?